Saturday, October 18, 2014

If I Could Just Touch the Hem of His Garment

Matthew 9:20-21

20And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind Him, and touched the hem of His garment: 21For she said within herself, If I may but touch His garment, I shall be whole.

I get a lot of song ideas when in church.  Our pastor preached through Matthew and when he taught on this passage, this song came to me.

(On a side note, I get a lot of words and tunes worked on while scooping cat boxes – what does that tell you?)

What faith this woman had.  She was sick for 12 years, spent her time and money searching for someone to heal her.  Yet the only healing found was though our Lord, Jesus Christ.  And she but had to touch the hem of His garment to be made whole. 

Lord, give us faith.

If I Could Just Touch the Hem of His Garment

If I could just touch the hem of His garment,    
I would be made perfectly whole.                        
If I could just get up close to the Master,           
What wondrous joy would flood my soul!       
What wondrous joy would flood my soul!

Too many years I spent searching for healing,
Spending all of my wealth.
But no help could be found for my affliction.
There was none to restore my health.
There was none to restore my health.

But then there came word of a Great Master,
Who healed with just one touch.
I just had to get close to this Healer
To get well would mean so much.
To get well would mean so much.

Then the Master drew near with a great crowd.
I just had to find my way through.
If I could get to the side of this Jesus,
Then healing would my strength renew.
Then healing would my strength renew.

And I just did get up close to the Master,
And now I am perfectly whole.
And I did just touch the hem of His garment;
What wondrous joy now floods my soul!
What wondrous joy now floods my soul!

But then the Master asked who had touched Him.
Those close by asked why in the throng.
He said He felt power go out of Him.
He knew what I’d done all along.
He knew what I’d done all along.

In fear and trembling I fell down at His feet.
I told Him all in my soul.
He said to me to be of good comfort.
Because your faith has made you whole.
Because your faith has made you whole.

Luke 8:43-48   

written 8/11/2013

Or watch in on YouTube

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