Saturday, February 6, 2016

A Year of Glory

The Heavens declare the glory of God…Psalm 19:1a

I had this idea at the end of 2014 to take a picture each morning for 2015 and make a movie of the pictures.  After talking pictures for a couple of months, I realized that the gray, overcast days didn’t look very splendid in the movie, so I decided to only use the most glorious skies to demonstrate a small bit of God’s glory.

The other day I came across this definition of God’s glory in a book I was reading – “Birthright” by David Needham.  On page 201 the author asks and answers the questions – “What is His glory?  The displayed splendor of all His attributes.”

Mr. Needham goes on to talk about the goal of everything is to glorify God.  Certainly creation does just that and we are to glorify Him with our thoughts, actions, speech, etc.

I pray that as you enjoy the different images declaring God’s magnificent glory, you will undertake to glorify Him with all of your being.

I want to thank my sister, Linda, for the beautiful music and my daughter, Christy, who took pictures when I was unable to.

Most of the pictures were taken from the back of our house of the sunrise, but a couple were taken from the front, with an iPhone 5.

or watch it on: YouTube

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