Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Our Savior's Birth

I enjoy making Christmas cards and some years I write a poem for them.  Two years ago I wrote this poem and last Christmas decided to put it to music.  I had to change the words a bit to get it to all fit and this is the result.

Even after all these years of hearing the Christmas story I am still amazed at God’s salvation plan.  How He sent His Son as a tiny Babe to earth just for us. How much He loved us - wretched creatures that we are – to give His only Son to bear the weight of our sins and the penalty that goes with sin, so that we may live!

Our Savior’s Birth

Who would have thought that a God so great,
Would care for man in his sinful state?
And who would have thought one so helpless and small,
Would be the best love gift, the greatest gift of all?

Who would have thought two from Galilee,
Would be chosen for Jesus’ family?
And who would have thought that a baby so small,
Would one day become the Savior of all?

Who would have thought that angels would sing,
To herald the birth of the newborn King?
And who would have thought that shepherds first to hear,
Would spread the glad tidings both far and near?

Who would have thought that the kings from afar,
Would find the new king by fol’ing a star?
And who would have thought the Christ Child they’d see,
When they offered their gifts on bended knee?

And our God made a way to redeem fallen man.
He gave His own Son as His redemption plan.
So spread the news far and wide o’er the earth.
And gladly celebrate our dear Savior’s birth.
And gladly celebrate our Savior’s birth!

Written 12/16/2013

The picture in the video was taken by one of my many sisters (Carol Wieland).  She lives in Vermont and gets much more snow than we get in central NJ!

or watch it on YouTube:

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