Saturday, April 20, 2019

Lamb of Glory

John 1:29 
The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.

One of my favorite songs is “Lamb of Glory”, but every time I heard that song, it seemed incomplete.  There was so much more to the story, so I wrote 3 more verses.  If you are not familiar with that song, I encourage you to watch this youtube video of Steve Green’s beautiful rendition:

The song talks about Jesus’ sacrifice for us, but leaves it with Him still on the cross.  But that is not the end of the story.  If He didn’t conquer death and rise from the grave, our faith is vain and we are yet in our sins (I Cor. 15:17).  But because He rose from the dead a victor over sin and death, we can spend eternity worshiping the Lamb of Glory.

May you have a Blessed Resurrection Sunday!

Lamb of Glory

1.Hear the story from God’s Word
That kings and priests and prophets heard:
There would be a sacrifice,
And blood would flow to pay sin’s price.

2.On the cross God loved the world
While all the pow’rs of hell were hurled;
No one there could understand
The One they saw was Christ the Lamb.

3.On the cross God paid the price;
His only Son the sacrifice.
Suff’ring, dying for the lost,
With His own blood cov’ring the cost.

4.In the tomb they placed our Lord,
According to God’s Holy Word.
Conq’ring sin and death for us,
And then He rose victorious.

5.When He comes, our glorious King,
His Holy bride to Heaven bring.
Falling down on bended knee,
We’ll worship Him eternally!

Precious Lamb of Glory,
Love’s most wondrous story,
Heart of God’s redemption of man –
Worship the Lamb of Glory.

Music and verses 1 and 2 by Greg Nelson and Phill McHugh

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