Saturday, October 13, 2018

To You Most Worthy

II Thessalonians 1:12
That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Do you know what your purpose in life is?  Do you know why you are here? Some people might answer, I want to be a great humanitarian and help a lot of people; another might say I want to be the best doctor or lawyer or be the next president.

Growing up, all I wanted to be was a great mom.  But none of these reasons really are why we are here.  Our purpose in life is to bring glory to God.  Everything we do and say is to honor Him. 

Have you done that today?

To You Most Worthy

O my Lord Jesus,                                                        
May You be glorified in me.                                        
May my whole life                                                      
Reflect Your Glory.                                                        
In all that I do and all that I say,                                  
Bring honor and praise to You most worthy.            

O my Lord Jesus,
You left Your Heav’nly home above,
To walk upon the earth,
To show us Your great love.
And all that You did and all that You said
Brought honor and praise to the most Holy.

O my Lord Jesus,
No sin was ever found in You.
Blameless Lamb of God,
You came God’s will to do.
Hung up on a cross, there You gave Your life,
And my sins You bore to win the victory.

May I delight, O Lord,
To do Your will every day,
And glorify You,
And all Your Word obey.
My heart’s desire is not my will but Thine,
To give You my life, love You more perfectly.


or watch it on: YouTube

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