Thursday, February 9, 2017

Christ the Almighty King

Great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.  Rev. 15:3b

I have always been fascinated by the different name for Jesus – Son of God, Emmanuel, Christ, Lord, Shepherd, Savior, King.  He is the mighty King, Son of the most High, Lamb, High Priest, but He is also our Savior and Lord.  He gave up all His glory to walk among fellow man and die for our sins.  But He rose from the grave a victorious King and now waits to claim His Holy Bride.

If you notice that this song has a very similar tune to the previous one, you are right.  Since I wasn’t sure I would be granted permission to use Rev. John MacArthur poem, I decided to write my own words.  I had to change it slightly to fit my words, but it is basically the same tune.

Christ the Almighty King

Jesus Christ, Emanuel, child King,
Sent from Heaven above.
You came to earth a tiny babe,
To show the world God’s love.

Jesus Christ, the Shepherd, Savior,
Son of the Most High.
They nailed You to a rugged cross,
And left You there to die.

Jesus Christ, sacrificed Lamb of God,
You took Your final breath.
Up from the grave You then arose,
Conquering sin and death.

Jesus Christ, the risen Lord, Bridegroom,
In Heaven now waiting.
Your holy bride to gather home,
Our joyful, loving King.

Forever through all eternity,
You will reign in splendor and majesty,
Glorious and victorious,
Christ the Almighty King,
Christ the Almighty King.


or watch it on:YouTube

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