Friday, December 23, 2016

The Gift of Love


Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us,
that we should be called the sons of God… I John 3:1

Christmas – a celebration of the birth of the Christ Child – a tiny baby whose crib was a manger in a stable of all places.  Not a very suitable birthplace for the King of all Kings, but there was no room for Him in the inn.  Is there room in your heart, in your life for the Son of the Most High?

And who were the first to hear of this birth?  Shepherds in a field tending their sheep.  Not the most envious of careers, not the most glamorous and popular people.  But fortunately they went to find this miracle and then spread the Good News all around.

Jesus - the Savior of the world – the greatest love gift of our Heavenly Father.  May
your Christmas be filled with the wonder of this gift and thanksgiving to our Father.

The Gift of Love

Joseph and Mary from Galilee,
Journeyed afar by royal decree.
To Bethlehem as long ago foretold,
Bearing God’s gift of love to a lost and dying world.

Only a stable could they dwell in,
For no room was found for them in the Inn.
There she brought forth her first born, the Christ Child,
Who would one day God and sinners reconcile.

Shepherds kept watch on a hill side that night,
When they beheld a wondrous sight.
The Lord’s Glory shown bright about them,
For an angel of the Lord had come upon them.

For behold I bring glad tidings, the angel said.
Fear not, shepherds, for they were sore afraid.
For you today, is the Savior born,
In the city of David who is Christ the Lord.

In little Bethlehem, ye shall find the Babe,
Wrapped in swaddling clothes, in a manger laid.
A Heavenly host appeared suddenly,
Praising God and saying to the Most High give glory.

Peace on earth and to people everywhere, good will,
They told poor shepherds on that night so still.
So off they went to see the Babe so small,
Rejoicing as they spread the Good News to all.

So ring out the news of our dear Savior’s birth.
A new King is born, the King of all Kings!
Salvation He brings to you and to me,
So o’er all the earth spread the glad tidings.
After last verse:
So o’er all the earth spread the glad tidings!

Written 12/9/2016

or watch it on: YouTube

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