Saturday, May 17, 2014

A Bit About Me and My Music

For as long as I can remember, I have had tunes running through my head, sometimes with words, sometimes not.  In fact, my sister Carol Wieland and I used to make up tunes to help us memorize our Bible verses when we were young.  I love singing and listening to music and enjoy playing the piano.

Several years ago, my brother-in-law Dr. Jonathan Sastic sent us a CD with Easter music he played on the piano and organ.  One of the songs is “The Via Dolorosa” by Niles Borop and Billy Sprague, for which he had made his own arrangement. I love that song and decided to learn to play it.  I bought a copy of the sheet music, but it was accompaniment and too hard for me to play, plus the right hand wasn’t the melody.  So I figured that if Jon could write his own arrangement, so could I. 

Now I had taken some piano lessons when in high school, but didn’t get very far and really didn’t know what I was doing. But I sat down at the piano and kept hitting the keys and eventually came up with something I could play and that I liked.

Then one day as a tune with the phrase “the heavens declare your glory, O Lord” was running through my head, I decided to pick out the melody on the piano.  I then got the words and notes on paper, added chords and the song was written.  Since then, I have written a few more songs.  Without any music theory this has been a challenge, but one I enjoy.

A bit more about me – I am nearing 60.  My husband Charlie and I raised 4 wonderful children, homeschooling them all the way through high school.  I love to garden (organically), sew, read, exercise, try new recipes, take pictures, and play the piano.  Most importantly, I strive to live for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, that He would be glorified through my life.

Friday, May 16, 2014

The Glory of God

If I were to ask you what you think the glory of God means, what would you say?  I think back to the time I spent a summer in Seattle, WA, when I was in college almost 40 years.  One of my favorite things to do was watch the sun hit Mt. Rainier.  If you have never seen this mountain, it seems to float above the clouds and is tipped with snow.  When the sun strikes it, it is unbelievably majestic.  I used to think that if God were ever to dwell on this earth, that would be the perfect spot.  But the splendor and majesty of Mt. Rainier is nothing compare to God’s glory!

The glory of God is referred to many times in the Bible. 

Exodus 40:34 says “Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.”  Moses was allowed but a glimpse of God’s glory and then he shone for a time afterwards.  Jesus came to bring glory to the Father and, of course, we will receive a glorified body someday after we have been justified, sanctified, and then finally glorified.

All creation gives glory to God by doing what it should do. (My husband’s suggestion)

Ps. 19:1-2 sates this rather well:  “The heavens declare the glory of God: and the firmament showeth His handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.

When I think about God’s glory, I think of His majesty and brightness, His honor and importance.  My daughter, Christy Reed, suggested His overwhelming goodness and power.

The first hymn I wrote is called The Glory of God.  The first verse is based on Ps. 19:1-2.

My sole purpose in writing and sharing these hymns is to give God glory.  May His name be glorified in all the earth!

(At the bottom of this post is a video with the tune playing or a link to the video on You Tube.)

The Glory of God

The Heavens declare Your glory, O Lord
And the firmament shows us Your handiwork.
The day and the night both share in the praise
And they show us Your infinite power.
The glory of the Lord, the glory of the Lord
We’ll praise Your name forever.

Holy, holy are You, God Almighty
The whole earth is filled with Your glory.
You are righteous, Lord, in all of Your ways
And You’re holy in all of Your mighty works.
The glory of the Lord, the glory of the Lord
We’ll praise Your name forever.

Who’s like unto You, O King of Kings?
Who is like you in glorious holiness?
Fearful in praises and doing wonders
And You lead us with mercy and with Your strength.
The glory of the Lord, the glory of the Lord
We’ll praise Your name forever.

We long for the day when Your face we will see
And we’ll worship our Mighty Creator.
We will shout for joy and behold Your glory
And we’ll praise Your almighty power.
The glory of the Lord, the glory of the Lord
We’ll praise Your name forever.

Ps. 19:1,2         Ex 15:11,13        Is. 6:3           Ps. 145:17
Written 3/31/12

or watch it on You Tube