Thursday, July 17, 2014

He Loves Me

1 John 5:7
For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

The Trinity is one of those topics that can be hard to explain.  I have heard It described as being like water – it exists in three forms (liquid, gas, or solid) but all are water.  I have also heard It likened to an egg – it has three parts that all make up the whole.

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit – three distinct persons that are all God.  They have different roles in our lives, but are all God.

This song shows different ways God is involved in our lives.

He Loves Me

My Heavenly Father He loves me.
He shows in His book how He cares for me.
He sent His son to die for me.
What a wonderful, wonderful Father.

The Almighty God He loves me.
He created a special place for me,
To live with Him eternally.
What a wonderful, wonderful Creator.

My Savior Jesus He loves me.
He came to earth to die for me.
He took away sin’s penalty.
What a wonderful, wonderful Savior.

My beloved Jesus He loves me.
He rose again to set me free.
And soon He’s coming back for me.
What a wonderful, wonderful King of Kings.

The Holy Spirit He loves me.
He teaches me how to be holy.
He guides and helps and strengthens me.
What a wonderful, wonderful Counselor.

The Holy Comforter He loves me.
He intercedes at Heaven’s throne for me.
He dwells in me from sin to free.
What a wonderful, wonderful Comforter.

Written 5/1/2012

or watch it on You Tube